Discworld is back on the BBC with the Ankh-Morpork Post Office being rejuvenated by a reformed con man who must outwit the owner of the popular clacks system to keep his position and most importantly his life. As always in a
Terry Pratchett story the characters are the key with the ever sinister Lord Ventinari, played by
Charles Dance, the con man forced to be Post Master General named Moist von Lipwig, played by
Richard Coyle, Adora Belle Dearheart who over sees Golem rights, played by
Claire Foy, and Reacher Gilt the owner of the clacks network, played by
David Suchet. As a fan of the Discworld and all of the novels, I have enjoyed all of the BBC dramatizations,
The Color of Magic and
Hogfather, with this one being no exception. My favorite part was finally seeing Sergeant Angua realized for the screen as the sole female werewolf on the City Watch. If you love the Discworld and all things Pratchett like me, you will not want to miss this.
Click here to check out the
official trailer.