After meeting my best friend Geoff and his family for a late birthday dinner at
Ruth's Chris Steak House in Bethesda - my was the ribeye terrific - I decided to hit this film at the
Regal Cinemas just across the street to make up for passing on dessert. I like
Seth Rogen as a general rule but did not have any high expectations for this film since I never followed
The Green Hornet old time radio dramas and was more of an
Abbott and Costello Show fan but I was pleasantly surprised to find this film enjoyable. There are plenty of comic moments and the 3D is rather unnecessary - yeah marketing execs - with some fine action sequences throughout and a dash of darkness to keep it interesting. I won't go in to the story because you get the gist of it from the trailer pretty much verbatim but it was great to see that
Cameron Diaz was more than just eye candy in the film and she still has good comedy chops. If you are in the mood for a matinée then you really can't go wrong seeing this movie but beware of the gas gun!
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