The Twilight saga has many parodies out but one finally makes it to the big screen today and how bad can it be? Well its big name stars are
Diedrich Bader and
Ken Jeong who I like and the film makers do follow the ridiculous plot of the movies and novels so I guess the only difference between a cult tween phenom and a spoof are the cast and the producers - and yes it is gloriously bad just like the
Stephanie Myer shiny vampires.

There are a few great sucker punches to the source material as future plot points are given away, Jacob's pack is really a pack of gay chihuahuas, and father Frank likes inflatable women. They even take on the fact that key characters from the films where replaced a la
Bewitched's Darren.

Like I said these genre parodies almost always suck but at least we get to see the smoking hot
Arielle Kebbel as another vampire babe even if it was not as good as her role as Lexi in
The Vampire Diaries.
Click here to check out the
official website.
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